First of all, glad to be back, it’s been a while since my last blog post but I’ve since decided to refresh my blog look & feel and more updates will be coming soon too. This should include regular posting again!
I thought it would be fitting to start blogging again today given the announcement of Steve Jobs passing. I can’t say I knew a lot about Steve Jobs other than knowing that he was a co-founder of Apple Inc and that he was CEO …etc. However, most people will agree that he is a visionary individual who has helped transform the digital & computer world into what it is today. If you haven’t read or watched his speech in 2005 at Stanford University I recommend that you do. There is a lot everyone can take from that I think.
So after learning of Steve Jobs’ death today I thought I’d take a moment and share my thoughts on how I think his passing away will impact the industry and even the world.
Earlier this year it was reported that Apple Inc shares dropped based on news of his health. However, I personally don’t think that this time around the same will happen again. I’m no trading expert though so don’t quote me on that!
For consumers: I think he will be remembered as a person who changed the way they do things daily in their lives and as a result the link he established between consumers & Apple as a company is not likely to be broken. In fact, I think it will probably grow larger in his honour!
For business people & entrepreneurs: I think he will be remembered as someone who went for what he believed in and people will look at what he’s done and how he’s done it which will result in younger generations following their dreams and also changing the world in their own fields and ways.
For students: well, it’s all summed up in the speech he gave at Stanford "Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life… have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.
For everyone else: they will probably watch everyone’s progress in the IT industry and maybe other industries too and will compare them to what Steve Jobs has done and achieved during his time in the field.
So in other words, I think Steve Jobs after his death may have equal or possibly even greater impact on how the digital world progresses from this point onwards. RIP Steve Jobs.