
Sometime back, I wrote about Getting Involved in Open Source. Since then, I’ve been wanting to take Scott Hanselman’s advice on board but to date I have not found a particular project that I felt comfortable participating in or one that fit all my interests. If you look at how much is available out there it is a bit overwhelming! As a result, while still trying to decide which open source project I wish to participate in, I figured maybe I should start working on something of my own. Welcome to ** As a software developer, one…


8 Years of blogging, and counting!

The History It’s amazing how fast time flies but as of today, I have been blogging for 8 years! Before I started blogging back in 2005 while in my last year at university, I remember talking to Paul Andrew, who was working at Microsoft New Zealand at the time when I was a Microsoft Student Partner. Back then, my title was ‘Microsoft Student representative’, which then was changed to *Microsoft Student Ambassador *and currently is called *Microsoft Student Partner. *It’s hard to believe that this was 10 years ago now for me! Putting the student ambassador story aside,…


Fixing your BlogEngine.NET theme in Windows Live Writer

If you’re using Windows Live Writer with a custom designed theme the blog theme template sometimes doesn’t work correctly. I’ve had this issue a while back and just fiddling around I accidently got it working but wasn’t sure of the steps I followed at the time. Among the things I tried – which didn’t work for me – were using the ThemeFixer tool which you can grab from After upgrading to Windows 8 and installing Windows Live Writer again I started having the same issues…