Is your email socially sorted?

Was just reading about a new tool released by Microsoft Research; SNARF; this tool integrates with your email client in order to allow you to sort (social sort)your email based on how often you send or receive emails from contacts. Sounds like a nice idea to me, will try it out now. To get it go here And for the article on PCWorld about it, see here Will post my experiences soon……


Heard of Ferrit? Well now it's here...

Ferritis now online at last. Initial rumors (at least the ones I heard) were that it will be an alternative to TradeMe. But it doesnt look anything like TradeMe yet. It looks more like a supersized online shop to me – not a bad idea either – perhaps with more products available for sale it could kick off well. Only think I dont like from my first impressions is that they site display is a bit too busy. *Update: *ok, I’ve just registered an account with Ferrit to check what benefits members get, well the main thing is that you…


The future of RSS

Microsoft is now developing RSS into making it a two way street. I firstly read about this on Ray Ozzie’s (MS CTO) blog hereand now just found an article about this on PCWorld. “*Microsoft is extending the popular RSS 2.0 Web syndication format to make it “multidirectional,” allowing it to be used for synchronizing information such as contacts and calendar entries across different applications, the company says. * Web sites that support Really Simple Syndication *(RSS) feeds. When content on a site is updated, the RSS feed informs the subscriber, often with a summary of the updated content…


Ray Ozzie is Blogging!

I just read that Ray Ozzie, Microsoft’s CTO has started blogging. It’s nice to see senior people at large corps like MS blogging. I’m sure his blog will be an interesting read. See it hereand here is a little bio of Ray.…


New generation of Microsoft Certifications

Nigelblogged about the new generation of Microsoft Certifications here. It’s interesting that they are becoming more focused on skills …etc This presents me with a wee problem though, I am currently studying for MCAD and am not too far from sitting the first exam. Now the question is, should someone like me go through the entire 03 MCAD certificate or should I do the first exam and then start focusing on the new generation stuff?? I think I will go for both! Is that a good thing to do, what do you guys think?…


How much is your blog worth?

Nicblogged about the “How much is your blog worth” tool recently, showing that his blog is worth around 14k, not bad! Now trying this on my own blog shows that mine is only worth $0 🙁 I guess I should attempt to post more regularly and try and have posts that are of value to my blog readers… Here’s a promise from me to post at least once every week 🙂 and also post something of value. If you feel that I’m not keeping my promise, please do let me know. I know this is hard to do, but…


A post about nothing!

Well quite a few blog writers have been quiet lately including myself – cant find anything to post about at present and seems others have similar problems, most of the blogs I read have been quiet lately…. Hopefully new content will come soon!…


Things a Smartphone cant do, at least mine can't

So Telecom had their 3G network released for a while now and Vodafone have recently followed with theirs. Now there are a lot of good things that come with the 3G network, not all necessary features but all are cool! Now like me you may have thought that a Smartphone does everything one might ever dream of doing (at least IMO it does everything I need) so I confidently went to Vodafone and asked someone if Smartphones are 3G enabled and she said no, then I was like I’m sure they are capable of it so will they be…


James is blogging - Cool...

James Carpinter, the current Student Ambassador and my successor as a Student Ambassader, has now started blogging. He is currently looking for someone to replace him as a Student Ambassador as he is leaving university this year. Are you a student at Canterbury who is interested in this then let him know or let Paul Lo theAcademicAdvisor at Microsoftknow. The program is really great and there is a lot you can get out from it. Got any questions about the experience? ask me or ask James 🙂 Also, I took the Student Ambassador role one step furtherand…