Exposing your data using .NET WCF Data Services: Part 4

In the previous posts in the series Exposing your data using .NET WCF Data Services we’ve covered everything required from building a data driven application from scratch to making the application ready to be fully running in the cloud. The final step in this process is to publish/host the application on Windows Azure. Below are the steps required to do so. Creating the Windows Azure cloud service The first thing that needs to be done is that we create the service to host our application. To do this I’ve chosen the Cloud Service option and specified the…


Exposing your data using .NET WCF Data Services: Part 3

In the previous posts Exposing your data using .NET WCF Data Services: Part 1 and Exposing your data using .NET WCF Data Services- Part 2 I wrote about creating a WCF Data Services application to expose data from a SQL Database and publishing the database to SQL Azure. In this post we’ll go through migrating the WCF Data Service code created in Part 1 into a Windows Azure service so that we can ready the code for publishing to the cloud. Downloading the latest Windows Azure SDK The first step in migrating our code is to grab and install…


Exposing your data using .NET WCF Data Services: Part 2

In the previous post Exposing your data using .NET WCF Data Services: Part 1, I wrote about creating a WCF Data Services application to expose data from a SQL Database. In this post we’ll go through publishing the database created in Part 1 to the Windows Azure cloud. Creating the Windows Azure database The first step in migrating the Quotes data services application that we created in Part 1 is to move our database into the cloud. To get started with this the initial step is to create a new database instance in Azure, which we can do in…


Exposing your data using .NET WCF Data Services: Part 1

Last year I wrote the post Data as a Service: The next big thing? where I mentioned that in a *Devices + Services era, *one issue we face is that in many cases it is not possible to access useful data to build consumer applications over. I summed up that post by saying the following: As a result I really think that for the Devices + Services to succeed we need more data to consume… if you have data that can be shared to make other services possible, simpler or better then share it! It’s time to make DaaS the next…